17 Sept 2011

Mission statement

Okay so my first entry might have sound a bit confusing but what I really to achieve is not that at all.
I want my bog to assist people, first time writers like myself to not giving up.
I know out of experience how difficult it is to get up after numerous rejections and I have to admit, sometimes I have to force
myself to do so. If you feel that you can't stand another rejection take a break but keep in mind that it will only get harder.
No agency promise a sale so the rejections are never going to stop. If you really can't handle one coming from an agency maybe writing is not for you then, with out being harsh.
Steven King got seventeen rejections with his first book and every one knows that the amazing Stefanie Meyer's was rejected 39 times. It is scary, I know but look at it this way. The more they reject it the more you can revise an polish it so that it might become the next big thing.
Don't ever lose the dream of becoming a published writer and keep on sending those query letters. I know I will
With love,

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